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B Kerry Brown LCSW About

About B. Kerry Brown | LCSW

B. Kerry Brown | LCSW

My career in the mental health field has spanned over 45 years in the Tampa, Florida area (view CV), and I have been a licensed Mental Health Professional in private practice for over 25 years. I wear a few different professional hats, depending on the case specifics. I am a Licensed Psychotherapist, and also serve as a Reunification Therapist in high-conflict divorces involving alienation or estrangement. I also serve as a Guardian ad Litem in family law cases, work as a Qualified Parenting Coordinator in the most difficult cases, and perform Parenting Plan/Social Investigations (Custody Evaluation) for the Court.

B Kerry Brown LCSW About us


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Family Law B Kerry Brown LCSW


I have testified in many courtrooms before many judges over my 25+ year career as a Mental Health Professional, Parenting Coordinator, Court-ordered Reunification Therapist, Guardian ad Litem, Social Investigator and Expert Witness [see Curriculum Vitae]. The following is a list of Courtrooms and Judges before whom I have appeared in my various professional roles:

B Kerry Brown LCSW LinkedIn Profile
B Kerry Brown | LCSW Psychotherapist Parenting Coordinator Evaluator
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